by admin | Mar 31, 2010 | Campaigns
This month’s NEC gave the green light to two important campaigns which members are urged to get involved in. The first is against the cuts at the BBC. By now this campaign is well underway with many media interviews being undertaken following the cuts announced by BBC...
by admin | Mar 22, 2010 | Campaigns, international
Disappointing to report that the NEC has deferred to its next meeting (14/15 May) a report from the Policy Committee and a further subsequent and positive report from the Committee‘s chair, the President and the General Secretary, that we should circulate material...
by admin | Mar 22, 2010 | nec, nuj
Rather a strange question to be asking, even on my second meeting, but it’s something I pondered on at the March meeting, when we were faced with a suggestion from NEC member Nick Serpell that the Council consider reducing the time of meetings to one day (except in...
by admin | Mar 13, 2010 | international, media freedom
The news that Swedish artist Lars Vilks was the target of a murder plot being planned in Ireland following the arrest of four men and three women in Waterford and Cork, would not have come as much of a surprise here in Sweden. Vilks created controversy in 2007 with...
by admin | Mar 11, 2010 | international, Press, whistle blowing
Over breakfast with my Swedish friend and before we set off cross country skiing, we discussed the contents of the local daily paper, Sundsvalls Tidning. Despite financial difficulties in the industry this regional newspaper continues to be published and the owners...