by barry | Jul 30, 2022 | Government, Press
Since his ‘slow motion’ resignation announcement, there has been much press speculation about just who would be in Johnson’s resignation honours list. It is now clear that we are facing the ultimate example of Johnson’s cronyism, more in the long-playing...
by barry | Jun 23, 2022 | Campaigns, Government, international, whistle blowing
Extradition to the US of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange was approved on 17 June by Home Secretary Priti Patel. He has been given 14 days to appeal the decision which expires on 1 July. Mr Assange is wanted by the US authorities over documents leaked in 2010 and...
by barry | Jun 15, 2022 | censorship, Government, media freedom
On 6 June, while attention was focussed on Conservative MPs’ no confidence vote in Boris Johnson, the long promised National Security Bill, and...
by barry | Apr 27, 2022 | Campaigns, Government, media ownership, Public Service Broadcasting
A letter from an Ilkley resident to the Yorkshire Post (23 April 2022) raised concerns about the recent government decision to privatise Channel 4. It highlighted the fact that despite a public consultation on the proposal, that opinion was ignored in that the...
by barry | Mar 30, 2022 | Campaigns, Government, unions
Confectionery workers at Valeo confectionery in Low Poppleton, York, who make Fox’s Glacier Mints, Mint Humbugs and Poppets, launched strike action against the company’s decision to fire and rehire them on worse pay and conditions. The action by management follows in...
by barry | Jan 22, 2022 | BBC, Campaigns, Government, nuj, Public Service Broadcasting
One of the casualties of Operation Red Meat, a desperate media operation launched by Johnson loyalists to deflect attention from Partygate allegations is the BBC’s future. It was one in a series of policy initiatives aimed to please back bench Tory MPs and grab...