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That wedding and Palace censorship

I recently received a visit from an old friend of mine who now lives in Australia (Tasmania). It was on the day the  Palace rolled out its programme for the Diamond Jubilee celebrations from 2 June next year and we quickly moved onto the subject of the coverage of the...

NEC hears that Jeremy is stepping down

This year the union holds its election for a general secretary and after having served two five year terms, Jeremy Dear announced to the FebruaryNEC  meeting  that he would not be standing again. Jeremy was the union’s youngest ever leader when he was elected in 2001...

BBC pensions strike gathers pace

With less than 48 hours to before  the first NUJ strike action against  the great pensions robbery proposed by the BBC management, news of  how programmes will be affected are being reported. BBC Journalists  stand to lose thousands of pounds every year under...

Support action at the BBC on 5/6 November

At last week’s meeting of the NEC Policy Committee, (28 October) we had an update from the meeting with BBC reps being held at the same time, on the fifth floor, to discuss the outcome of the ballots on the BBC mangement’s latest ‘pensions...